SADS Week 1st – 8th October 2016
- Updated: 2nd October 2016
We are proud to announce our continued support for the Joe Humphries Memorial Trust. The trust was setup after the tragic death of Leicestershire sportsman Joe Humphries, 14, who died in October 2012 from a condition known as sudden adult death syndrome (SADS).
Steve Humphries, Joe’s father said “The tragedy of losing our fit, healthy, vibrant and fun loving Joe was made all the harder to bear when we found the very next day that 12 fit and healthy young people die every week across the UK, with no prior symptoms or warning.
This staggering, unacceptable statistic has inspired close family members and friends to set up ‘The Joe Humphries Memorial Trust so that Joe will not just become another statistic . We have to stop this now and keep his name and what he stood for, along with what he would have become alive.”
Two free lectures will mark this yearâs SADS Awareness Week which is 1st – 8th October 2016 to help promote understanding of sudden heart deaths, in conjunction with the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust.
Leicester’s Marvellous Medicine – Save a Life in 2 Minutes Flat!
Date: Wednesday 5th October 2016, 17:30 – 20:00
Venue: Lecture Theatre, Clinical Education Centre at Leicester General Hospital
Presented by Dr Ffion Davies, Dr Will Nicholson, JHMT CPR Trainers
- 5.30 – 6.00 pm  Refreshments
- 6.00 – 6.45 pm What is Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome? Why does speed matter? How can public defibrillators make a difference? How long will it take me to learn how to do CPR?
- 6.45 – 7.15 pm Audience questions
- 7.15 – 8.00 pm CPR demo and hands on training
The SADS Facts of Life – Sudden Cardiac Death in Sport Lecture
Date: Thursday 6th October 2016, 18:00 – 20:00
Venue: Loughborough University, Brockington Extension Room 0.20
- What is SADS and what has it got to do with Sport? Dr Ffion Davies will introduce the session on underlying heart conditions that affect seemingly fit and healthy young people playing sport, including recognising warning signs and being better prepared, should someone suffer a cardiac arrest.
- Ask the Specialist – Question & Answer Session. Dr Aidan Bolger will open the floor up to take questions on what this means in practice, to people who enjoy or teach sport, including why screening for these conditions is still so controversial. The session also offers the opportunity to learn how to do CPR and use an AED automated external defibrillator.
- CPR training –Â Learn how to do CPR in less than 5 minutes by the JHMT CPR training team
- The lecture is aimed at sports coaches, PE teachers, anyone responsible for the welfare of young people in sports clubs and members of the public.
Everyone is welcome to attend, and both events are free, please attend.